Monday, November 2, 2009

Week 43 - "Balloons" Photo Challenge

I am thinking this is a perfect photo for "Fix-it Friday". I would love to know how to eliminate shadows. Regardless, I could not pass up posting this photo featuring my niece. It was her 2nd birthday and she had this group of balloons that was twice as big as her. She was literally in awe of the balloons. Visit I Faces for more photo fun.


  1. Cute photo! :) Kids are so cute with balloons. My son loves them.

  2. Great shot!!! Love the editing!

  3. It's beautiful! I love all the colorful balloons! perfect choice!

  4. I don't know much about eliminating shadows! You know what I think the WAY wiser than me people would say? Turn the flash off : ). Flash gives ugly shadows. Natural light shadows are much nicer and less abrasive.

    He is very sweet!

  5. Beautiful! {And I feel that shadows add a little depth, not always a bad thing!!}
